Future Based2024-04-04T09:15:47+02:00



Non-Human Centered AI

Viraj Joshi is a designer, technologist, and futurist based in London. He designd curious objects and fiction with great affinity towards our technological and social futures. Viraj is also the Creator of Eliza. Eliza is a series [...]

Animal Awareness

Aysha Akhtar, M.D., M.P.H., is a double Board-certified neurologist and preventive medicine/public health specialist. She is demonstrating how there is a mutual benefit to both humans and animals when animals are protected. Dr. Akhtar is the [...]

The Reality of Symbiosis

Sometimes reality catches up with fiction really fast. In their work, designer Noam Youngrak Son often experiments with blurring boundaries between science fiction and reality. Whether it concerns speculative scenario’s on the value of viruses or [...]


Becoming a Bat. Embodying COVID-19: SF Ways of Fighting Helplessness Confronting the Pandemic.

This work was submitted by Noam Youngrak Son. The opinions and conclusions expressed in it do not necessarily constitute those of the Future Based platform. All rights reserved to the author. Do you have a thesis, a dissertation, or any other kind of research that is gathering dust on a shelf? Would you like to submit your work to our database? Get in touch! Note: In order to thank bats that provided a critical perspective for this text, the illustrations are translated into a format that is more readable for their sensory organs. Bats usually have low vision, but they can sense three-dimensional shapes using echolocation. It’s been more than a week since I wrote the [...]

Talk Marx and Debord, by Simon Valkering

On the 21st of February 2019 we held a meetup during the exhibition Unsettled Tensions at Nieuw Dakota.During this meeting, we returned to Marx’ notion of commodity fetishism, as well as Debord’s further development of this idea in his critique on society. The aim was to bring us closer to understanding (one facet of) contemporary society, and enable us to ask questions relating to object-fetishism, various forms of estrangement, and the ways in which the present-day economy and modern technology affect our live. If you need context about Debord's work, I would reccommend this article. Why are we talking about Marx in the context of Debord’s thought? Debord’s own writings are quite difficult to penetrate, [...]

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