Identity Catarina Aimée Dahms & Victoria Libucha


We will expand upon the topic of identity with a podcast series on identity & belonging in the modern world. The podcasts will feature guests representing the past, present and future of what it means to belong and how that affects our concept of self. To dive into the past, we will interview [...]

Identity Catarina Aimée Dahms & Victoria Libucha2023-08-03T13:29:29+02:00

Identity Conny Lazo & Victoria Libucha


We will expand upon the topic of identity with a podcast series on identity & belonging in the modern world. The podcasts will feature guests representing the past, present and future of what it means to belong and how that affects our concept of self. To dive into the past, we will interview [...]

Identity Conny Lazo & Victoria Libucha2023-06-19T16:20:43+02:00

Scientific Imagination x A Sign in Space: Meaning of Message


      In the special Scientific Imagination x A Sign in Space series, we explore the theory and process behind a fascinating project called “A Sign in Space.” We’ll be talking to a team of experts from different parts of the world and different fields of study. A Sign in Space is [...]

Scientific Imagination x A Sign in Space: Meaning of Message2023-06-02T10:45:05+02:00

Earthucation: Using interdisciplinary philosophy, education, and science communication to understand the climate crisis


Image: What do planets outside our solar system, or exoplanets, look like? A variety of possibilities are shown in this illustration. Scientists discovered the first exoplanets in the 1990s. As of 2022, the tally stands at just over 5,000 confirmed exoplanets. As Earthlings, we seem to have an unstoppable [...]

Earthucation: Using interdisciplinary philosophy, education, and science communication to understand the climate crisis2024-10-16T19:05:24+02:00
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