Can we get a conception of absolute reality?


What is the world like beyond human-object relations? If we think of absolute reality as something that is permanent and not bound to time and space, and something that goes beyond the relation of being and thinking, would it be possible for us to perceive it?

Can we get a conception of absolute reality?2019-12-13T07:31:02+01:00

Grieving Machines Tell Apocalyptic Stories to Birds


Have you ever seen robots that communicate with nonhuman animals and plants, or heard of machines that are programmed to learn from their natural environments? Have you ever encountered technologies that collaborate with nonhuman species? It is not very likely that you have, considering how dominant modes of thinking in the West have a history of putting the human species at center stage – and in sharp contrast to some entity called ‘nature’ – when it comes to framing, designing, programming and using technologies.

Grieving Machines Tell Apocalyptic Stories to Birds2022-07-07T12:47:00+02:00

Talk Marx and Debord, by Simon Valkering


On the 21st of February 2019 we held a meetup during the exhibition Unsettled Tensions at Nieuw Dakota.During this meeting, we returned to Marx’ notion of commodity fetishism, as well as Debord’s further development of this idea in his critique on society. The aim was to bring us closer to understanding (one facet [...]

Talk Marx and Debord, by Simon Valkering2022-12-01T12:45:52+01:00

Podcast: Biohacking – an introduction with DIY – futurist Peter Joosten


Future Based is diving into the world of biohacking and mind hacking, kicking off with the expert and DIY Futurist; biohacker Peter Joosten. This fourth episode will offer an introduction and further exploration into the topic of biohacking. What are the implications of these new technologies? Are we making humans better, or possibly making [...]

Podcast: Biohacking – an introduction with DIY – futurist Peter Joosten2020-03-13T12:36:02+01:00

Future Based thinking – Theo Ploeg I


Future Based Podcast addresses issues ranging from the natural sciences and philosophy to art, technology and economics; a different subject will be highlighted in every podcast. We will engage in discussions with academics, field specialists and experiential experts. In this episode, we talk with Theo Ploeg, founder of studio Hyperspace. Instead of taking refuge [...]

Future Based thinking – Theo Ploeg I2019-12-13T07:22:41+01:00

Epistemic Value Can Be Warranted by Pragmatic Considerations, by Emma Young


Imagine visiting a museum and coming upon a great hall that contains a full-size ship on display. On an informational placard, you read that the ship used to sail the seas in the nineteenth century, but that it is still sea-worthy today. You might then continue your tour with a belief that corresponds to [...]

Epistemic Value Can Be Warranted by Pragmatic Considerations, by Emma Young2019-12-13T07:22:32+01:00
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