Unboxing Experience – Aidan Lyon, Asu Aksu and Attic Lab
March 15, 2022 @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm CET
| €20 – €30In collaboration with philosopher Aidan Lyon, artist Asu Aksu, and Attic Lab, Future Based presents ‘Unboxing Experience’. Unboxing Experience is an experiment in communication that uses all of our senses, not just the audio-visual. During this event, we will create an experience that explores our subconscious in a playful and artistic way.
In his new book, Psychedelic Experience, Aidan Lyon argues that psychedelic experiences are mind-revealing experiences and can be induced using methods that don’t involve substances. Think about meditation, dancing, certain type of sports. It is known that a psychedelic experience (through meditation) can take us outside ourselves, helping us to connect with others and our environment. While Aidan uses the tools of philosophy to study psychedelic experiences, he argues that these experiences are valuable tools for doing philosophy. That is, they can help us cultivate wisdom.
With this special event, we invite you to join us in exploring. When purchasing a ticket you will receive a little black box by mail, containing experiences: Some tools, a narrative and instructions. The theme of this box is the psychedelic experience – based on the PhD-research of philosopher Aidan Lyon. We ask you to leave the box closed until March 15th at 7:00 pm (time-zone Amsterdam). You will receive further instructions from us by mail.
Nothing found in this box is psycho-active and although some experiences will have a trance-like quality, you will at no point be under the influence of any drug or substance. The event will take approximately 1,5 hours, you may experience a slight-trancelike feeling after the experience for the duration of the evening. Everything that happens during this event is absolutely safe and you are at no point really under the influence or out of control. Although the content of the box is not intended to trigger emotions of anxiety, stress, or anger, we cannot take responsibility for possible effects on your mental health, so please use the box wisely.
Please find the tickets below. Make sure you don’t forget to add a shipment ticket. Otherwise the package cannot be shipped.
To send the boxes by mail, we need an address. Please note that, the data will be used exclusively for this event, stays within the team, is not shared with third parties and will be deleted immediately after having shipped your package. By buying a ticket, Eventbrite will include your email address in our newsletter list. Don’t worry, we will only send out a newsletter once a year. You can unsubscribe at any time.
To make sure all packages arrive on time, the ticket sale will end on the 8th of March. If a package didn’t arrive on time, you will receive a refund.
One more thing…..online gatherings:
Ugh, so much information! This is the last bit, we promise.
But because we have had to deal with zoom-bombers before and because we want to create a safe environment where everyone can express their opinion, we ask you to turn on the camera during the online gathering. Not only is this safer, but also much more engaging. You are free to turn off the camera after the introduction. If you keep your camera off/don’t respond in the chat, it can have the consequence that the host will exclude you from the meeting. Thank you for your understanding. : )
Ok, that was it! Now, let’s dive into the experience.