The cyber space is a non-neutral space of constant contestation. Multiple dualisms ensue; the individual and the space, the individual and the platform and the individual with their own self-image. It becomes really important, then, to critically engage with the space, decolonize it and reclaim it. The hyper presence of the algorithm in our daily lives means our awareness and engagement need to be active as much as it is theoretical. This reading group ensures just that.

During the course of this reading group, we will look at the (in)justice which this contestation brings. Since the algorithm and its ensuing injustice are both ubiquitous, we will look at the various areas of human experience which they touch. The 10 areas detailed below grant us 10 sessions of discussion, and 10 opportunities to build a creative manifesto of the ideas discussed. The results of the discussion and the creative process will then be on display.

This reading group is initiated and curated by Abdel-Rahman Hassan, as part of the Future based platform.

Reading Session #1

GOVERNANCE: On Automated Governance, the Death of Politics and the Psychotechnical state.

The issue of algorithmic governance is a multifaceted one; code regulates itself, but also falls prey to already existing regimes of control. During this episode, we examine the relationship between algorithms and power structures, how they shape each other and how they shape the governed subject.

Theory: psychopolitics, walls, surveillance capitalism, capitalist realism and the case of china.

Practical information:

Date: 19th November / Location: Digital Society School Amsterdam / Start: 19:30 sharp/ Duration: 90 minutes.


Costs: € 5,00- 7,00

Awesome graphic storytelling: Dana Dijkgraaf Design