Let’s get physical: The Philosophy of the Body.


Future Based #5 Long before Dick Swaab, both Plato and Descartes had already contended that we are our brains. They premised that thought is conducted within the head, and—since the head sits atop the body—stands in direct communication with the divine. Dangling from the head there is the body; passionate, surly, mechanical, and in [...]

Let’s get physical: The Philosophy of the Body.2020-02-04T20:34:51+01:00

Podcast: Beyond Ourselves – Lisa Doeland


If the objects that are around us, reflect the social structures of our period  what does that tell us about our social structures? This podcast is about the, so it seems, interchangeable relationships we have with each other, and the objects – from nature to fashion-  around us. Do we need to reconsider our [...]

Podcast: Beyond Ourselves – Lisa Doeland2020-03-13T12:36:47+01:00

#3 Framing Bullshit


An initiative by philosopher Pieter Booij. Bullshit: it’s all around us, and a lot of it. But is it harmful? And if so, why? How can we discern bullshit from a lie, and how can we determine what might be true? Whatever form bullshit takes—whether it be blurred out words or carefully crafted sentences—as [...]

#3 Framing Bullshit2020-03-13T12:37:19+01:00
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