Reflection on the philosophical understanding of colour.


According to our everyday experience, the objects that surround us are coloured. Lemons are yellow, cucumbers are green, and our car is black. But according to physical science, lemons, cucumbers, and our car are composed of particles that are not attributed with colour whatsoever. These two pictures of the world seem not entirely compatible, but how come? Is philosophy able to provide us with an answer to this question?

Reflection on the philosophical understanding of colour.2022-07-07T12:46:15+02:00

Can we get a conception of absolute reality?


What is the world like beyond human-object relations? If we think of absolute reality as something that is permanent and not bound to time and space, and something that goes beyond the relation of being and thinking, would it be possible for us to perceive it?

Can we get a conception of absolute reality?2019-12-13T07:31:02+01:00

The principles of knowledge: Setting rational standards and clarifying irrational beliefs.


What knowledges lie within reach? Does there exist a singular truth? Or does each hold true to their own? The principles of knowledge: Setting rational standards and clarifying irrational beliefs. Barry Barnes and David Bloor (hereafter: B&B) argue in their text Relativism, Rationalism, Sociology of Knowledge, that the rationalist’s arguments are insufficient and cannot [...]

The principles of knowledge: Setting rational standards and clarifying irrational beliefs.2019-12-13T07:30:08+01:00

Epistemic Value Can Be Warranted by Pragmatic Considerations, by Emma Young


Imagine visiting a museum and coming upon a great hall that contains a full-size ship on display. On an informational placard, you read that the ship used to sail the seas in the nineteenth century, but that it is still sea-worthy today. You might then continue your tour with a belief that corresponds to [...]

Epistemic Value Can Be Warranted by Pragmatic Considerations, by Emma Young2019-12-13T07:22:32+01:00
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