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Buitenplaats Brienenoord Rotterdam Brienenoord 5, RotterdamHerring move through the seas in schools – schools of hundreds to millions of individual fish who navigate conditions of scarcity and abundance together, unionize when in danger, transforming their plurality into one whole (having tricked the Swedish military into mistaking them for submarines over several years). Cultivating a socialist mindset, they make decisions [...]
COLLECTIVE THINKING: Teaching from the Hive (postponed)
Bees communicate with each other where good food lies through a dance. They dance an infinity sign ∞ to the position of the sun on the honeycomb. The duration of the dance tells something about the distance, the spot on the honeycomb to the position of the sun tells in which direction the bees [...]
Future Provotypes: Exploring GenAI Futures Through Collaborative Storytelling
Online ZoomOnline event. Join us for a session exploring the impact of generative AI on the design industry through engaging in a speculative scenario! Generative AI, accessible to anyone with good internet connectivity, is believed by some to empower individuals without formal design training to achieve professional-grade results quickly. The rapid rise of generative AI [...]